Miguel Portrait

Hi!  I'm Miguel!


Passionate about coding and always learning!

About me

After obtaining my degree in Nursing, I chose to delve into my enthusiasm for programming. I joined a coding bootcamp at Neuefische School , where I acquired skills in Frontend Web Development. What I relish most about programming is the challenge of problem-solving and the thrill of crafting innovative solutions. I love the feeling of finally figuring out a solution to a problem. My primary skills lies in React, Next.js, Node.js, and MongoDB.

Additionally, I've been brushing up on Typescript and web design principles and familiarizing myself with design tools such as Figma. The synergy between design and development intrigues me, making projects not only functional but also visually appealing.

Beyond the world of coding, my background in Nursing offers a unique lens, especially in health-tech projects, bridging the gap between medical professionals and tech developers. In my leisure time, I embrace a love for physical activity, be it through running, swimming, or pushing my limits in crossfit. I'm also an ardent movie buff and treasure the time spent with my family. A fervent believer in lifelong learning, my weekends often involve attending workshops or online courses. My readings are currently steered towards politics, finance, and the nuances of global tech shifts.

My Projects


PopCorn is a movie app using OMDB API, allowing users to search, view, and curate watched movies with a IMDB-inspired UI.

  • React
  • JavaScript
  • Next.js
  • Styled-Components
  • Vercel


A GoogleMaps-like application in which you can save locations. Following Jonas Schmedtmann's React course on Udemy.

  • React
  • React Router
  • context API
  • Local Storage


Team'Up is a Nurse Scheduling Application conceptualized as a capstone project for my Web Development Bootcamp.

  • React
  • Next.js
  • MongoDB
  • Styled-Component
  • NextAuth.js
  • Vercel

AI Candidato

AI Candidato is a platform where you can chat to various Chatbots representing candidates for Portugal's legislative elections.

  • React
  • Next.js
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Clerk
  • OpenAI API
  • PlanetScale
  • Pinecone

Lens AI

With LensAI we can modify and alter images using Cloudinary's artificial intelligence.

  • React.js
  • Next.js
  • Tailwind CSS
  • MongoDB
  • Clerk
  • Cloudinary AI
  • Vercel


A Chrome Extension that empowers users to bookmark and revisit important moments within YouTube videos, as part of the final project for Harvard's CS50 course.

  • Chrome Extension APIs
  • YouTube Player API
  • JavaScript

My skills

My experience

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Coimbra, Portugal

I graduated in nursing in Portugal, but I had to look for a job abroad.


Health Care and Nursing


I settled in Frankfurt in 2012, working as a nurse for three years, gaining experience across various departments.
Then, in 2015, I moved to Munich where I continued my career as an intensive care nurse, further accumulating diverse experiences in the field.

2012 - 2024



I embarked on a journey of self-learning through online courses and workshops, initiating myself into web development and technology.

2022 - Ongoing

Web Development Bootcamp

Munich, Germany

I graduated after 6 months of intense studying. My stack includes React, Next.js, JavaScript and MongoDB. I'm currently learning TypeScript and SQL, and I'm open to full-time opportunities.


CS50x - Introduction to Computer Science

Remote, Harvard University

I completed the Introduction to Computer Science course, where I was able to learn and understand basic computer science concepts, such as C, Algorithms, SQL, Python, Flask, and JavaScript.

2023 - 2024

Internship Full Stack Developer

Remote, Vennie

I have the opportunity to learn and work on the development of a B2B SaaS project with AI using ReactJS/Typescript, Python and FastAPI.

2024 - 2024

Contact me

Please contact me directly at migueljcpinto@gmail.com or through this form.